all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 3AB 1 1 53.504611 -2.185571
M40 3AD 9 0 53.504611 -2.184107
M40 3AE 1 1 53.50508 -2.184789
M40 3AG 17 9 53.504089 -2.180157
M40 3AJ 18 0 53.504982 -2.183794
M40 3AL 5 3 53.504758 -2.182087
M40 3AN 17 0 53.504597 -2.183234
M40 3AQ 10 0 53.507754 -2.181439
M40 3AR 1 1 53.506851 -2.184164
M40 3AT 2 2 53.505222 -2.184261
M40 3AW 44 0 53.509419 -2.180481
M40 3EJ 6 0 53.518009 -2.163611
M40 3EZ 1 1 53.50551 -2.179756
M40 3GE 20 0 53.51704 -2.162144
M40 3GF 23 0 53.514245 -2.162209
M40 3GG 37 0 53.513301 -2.161693
M40 3GH 20 0 53.518595 -2.162407
M40 3GJ 26 1 53.517813 -2.161906
M40 3GL 28 0 53.516877 -2.162777
M40 3GN 30 0 53.516059 -2.163242